Friday, March 2, 2012

the background of my blog

My name is Amanda and I am the mother of 3. Taylor is 6, Brock is 5 and Luke is 2.5.  I have been married to my husband for 6 years and we have been through a lot together. I have never done anything like this before but I am going to give it a shot.  The reason I want to do this is to help moms, I can let them share my happiness and have an outlet when things arnt so great.  My family background is simple really. I am a stay at home mom because my son Luke is a Type 1 diabetic.  We tried having me work but Luke was sick all the time, he is very brittle when it come to viruses.  He was diagnosed in September 2010 at the age of 13 months and has been hospitalized 7 times since then. Some days can be a struggle others can run as smooth as butter, today we got good news. Luke is behind developmentally and in speech and today we got the results back form his evaluation. He qualifies for extra help! We will meet with a specialist every other week to try to get him caught up with other kids his age.  His diabetes and his hospitalizations have slowed him down and set him back a bit but there is hope that with a little extra work he will continue to progress and get caught up before he begins school. This is great news for him!
A few weeks ago we also found out that brock will be able to go to full time kindergarten in the fall. I was a little concerned about him and if he would be able to handle it since he started pre-school half way through the year but his teacher thinks that he will do just fine!!
Taylor had a big year this year also.  After 2.5 years in speech therapy she graduated and no long needs to seek help.
So today is a good day and I hope that it will continue.